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Pine Ridge Group, Inc.

Q: How do companies use competitive intelligence (CI) to gain market advantage?

A: Kodak learned through its competitive intelligence methods that Fuji, who had developed the product first, was planning to market its single-use camera in the US.  Based on this knowledge, Kodak was able to launch its competing product one day before Fuji launched its, pre-empting Fuji's initiative, diffusing the impact of its market launch and capturing much of the media coverage that accompanied the launch.

In another example of how market knowledge can be turned into competitive advantage, a large telecom company recognized that its key competitors had an operational disadvantage - billing. So, it acquired a company with sophisticated billing capabilities, allowing it to launch a highly successful marketing program that took its competitor's some 18 months before they could offer reasonable alternatives.

Knowledge, foreknowledge in particular, are powerful tools in pre-emptive market positioning, or the advantageous timing of your corporate initiatives, in helping your company to shape for itself how best and most cost-effectively from its vantage point to win in today's increasingly global cyber marketplace.


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